Quotes of the Day

Timothy Geithner
Friday, Feb. 13, 2009

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Alexander, Peter
• reference by to African-Americans as "colored people" at the end of a conversation with the president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is somehow seen as apology-worthy by

Brown, Chris
• bad — [ITALIC "very bad"] — career move by

Bush, George W.
• investigation of in connection with wiretapping, politicizing of the Justice Department, and, of course, torture, is fervently desired by the two-thirds of the population less willing than Obama to let bygones be bygones
• South African TV station erroneously runs moving banner headline reporting the death of

Calgary, Alberta
• speech in which George W. Bush will "share his thoughts" about his eight fiasco-riddled years as "the Decider" will be given in

Capuano, Rep. Michael
riot act is read to bankers by

Card, Andrew
• fabulousness of George W. Bush's post-White House life is rhapsodized over by

free fall of economy of

Fleischer, Ari
dismay of at calling on by Obama of reporter for The Huffington Post

Fletcher, Michael
• confirmation of Obama's never-for-a-moment-in-doubt disapproval of use of steroids is elicited by

Frederick, Jeff
• Republican takeover of Virginia state Senate is thwarted by prematurely gloating tweet posted by

Geithner, Timothy
coach is flown by

Gregg, Sen. Judd
• allegedly principled withdrawal by as Commerce Secretary nominee is followed by reports of previous seeking of that very position by, leaving observers to wonder what it was about Obama's policies that was suddenly learned by to cause this about-face

Harry, Prince of Wales
• forced enlistment of in a course designed to encourage tolerance, or at least to discourage the kind of boorish expressions of intolerance regularly indulged in by

Hoekstra, Rep. Peter
• secrecy-breaching tweets of

Houston, Whitney
• highly-touted comeback by at a Grammy-eve party is instantly thrown into question after odd appearance at Grammy Awards by

Leahy, Sen. Patrick
• Cheney is bitch-slapped by

Madoff, Bernard
$15,000,000 was suspiciously withdrawn from bank account of by wife of
90-year-old is forced to go back to work as a result of having been totally ripped off by

Obama, Barack
• Biden is becoming a punch line for
Camp David is very much appreciated by
50 million people watch first prime time press conference of
own head is bumped by

Palin, Sarah
• closing of clinic for special needs children in home town of
45th birthday is celebrated by

Parnell, Stew
• Fifth amendment is repeatedly taken by in connection with charges of having knowingly distributed deadly salmonella-tainted peanut butter

Phoenix, Joaquin
obnoxiousness of is liberally displayed by

Plainview, Texas
• discovery of dead rats at peanut plant smack in the middle of

Pope Benedict XVI
• Holocaust denial is belatedly condemned by

• plusses in negativity are seen by

previous clues that Chris Brown might be a bad boyfriend were apparently missed by

Rodriguez, Alex
• admission to use of steroids by after years of denial of use of steroids by
• perfect nickname ("A-Roid") is bestowed upon

Steele, Michael
• strange belief of that a government-created job is "not a job"

Suleman, Nadya
• announcement by that "I'm not living off any taxpayer money" is immediately followed with qualifier by ("If I am, if it's food stamps, it's a temporary resource")
death threats are received by
• donations are sought by on new Web site of
• NBC devotes hour on [ITALIC "Dateline"] to bizarre story of
• questions are raised about fertility doctor of
• recent pregnancy of is documented photographically

Sullenberger Chesley, 'Sully'
• Katie Couric interview with

Thomsen, Linda Chatman
• stubborn refusals of to heed warnings about Madoff result in resignation of

See TIME's Pictures of the Week.

See the Cartoons of the Week.

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  • Paul Slansky
Photo: Brendan Hoffman / Getty